
Welcome Digino-ers,

 Our blog “Digino” focuses on disruptive digital innovation trends shaping 2018 and beyond. Of particular focus for us is the trend of Digital Twins, where physical assets or objects of any industry will have a digital replica or model. This “twinning”, hence the name, will allow for scientific research and development to leverage these digital models for experimentations or simulations, without impacting the physical version. 

 In this blog, we will constantly provide examples of “digital twins” and their innovative potential or even breakthroughs across sectors or industries like healthcare, construction, transportation, and retail to name a few.  We aim to make the discussions about and sharing of experiences with “digital twins” insightful and conducive to knowledge development for the broader blog community to benefit from.

 We welcome you once again and really hope you will enjoy reading this blog!

 Until our next posting,

 The Digino Team