Will Digital Twins be able to make decisions for us within 5 years?

 John Smart, a futurist and founder of the Acceleration Studies Foundation, said that advances in computer science will soon allow computer-based versions of ourselves (our digital twins) to act as our personal agents — automatically filling out forms or scheduling appointments.

 This may have sounded almost unbelievable 10 years ago. However, nowadays we have many applications on our phone which may know us better than our parents. Tripadvisor knows which kind of restaurant you love most, Spotify knows which songs you frequently listen to, Google Maps knows where you have been in the city and Dictionary knows what words you don’t understand. These personal habits and interests are precisely and completely recorded by the system and it’s not an issue to collect all those data and create a digital model which thinks like how you think, acts like how you act. One day, these digital twins could even hold conversations and have faces that mimic your emotion.

 "They will become increasingly like us and extensions of us", Smart said.

 For digital twin technology to reach its full potential, there needs to be better conversational interfaces and semantic maps. 

 The next step is let your cyber-selves to start making decisions for you. But how? In our past article we mentioned that Digital Twins has started being applied in  the healthcare area which means we can have your "digital organs" and monitor them in real-time. So what will happen when you are at work, and your father who stays at home alone suddenly has a heart attack? He can’t get up to call either you or the hospital, but his cyber-self can do everything for him. When his digital twin detects the unusual situation, and based on the previous data it has collected, it will realize now it’s time to call an ambulance from the most recent hospital and to call you then, and it will tell doctors which medicines has your father used before. This certainly, will avoid many potential risks and sometimes even can predict danger in advance.
 It is very clear that there are plenty of advantages of your digital twin, however the uncertain status of online privacy is already bothering the general public. People criticize companies like Google and Amazon that only pull their information from what's available. But with digital twins, we'll have to give full permission for companies to access our online identities to optimize our use of the technology.

 "You know, I'd like to have control of my healthcare or financial information in my own little internet locker" Smart admits. But thinking like this is old-fashioned. You can not accomplish much by having control of your own data.

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